Oh.. great... I get the chapter where circumcision is instituted by God as “sign of the covenant between us“... couldn’t God have thought of something a little less... painful? Maybe a tattoo? How about shaving the head? maybe a nose ring... but circumcision?! Ouch... I have never heard a good theory as to what circumcision was really all about. Maybe God used it as a reminder of the fall... of original sin; when Adam and Eve lost their innocence and found themselves naked.
After all if we were still naked non-circumcision would be preferred to protect the private part from being... shall we say damaged... maybe from walking in the woods... or getting too close to a cactus. (I’m out on a limb here)
Anyway this could have been a reminder of the fall and that God is the redeemer of the fall and wants desperately to be in relationship with fallen man. O.K. that’s enough about circumcision.
What about Abraham laughing at God? If God asked you to do something unbelievable would you laugh in his face? This section is really kind of funny. Both Abraham and Sarah laugh at God’s statement about giving them a child. God has a sense of humor and asks them to name their son “Isaac” a name meaning Laughter.
17-19 Then God said, “all the nations of the world are going to find themselves blessed through him". We are part of this hope of God’s that his people will bless the world? How are Christians doing this? How are we as a church doing with this?
Psalm 9
Laughter and Joy comes in to play here again in the psalms. Did you know that experiencing joy is our lives is a core value here at Crosswinds? Psalm 9 is a Psalm of hope what stands out for me in verse 9: “The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed,a refuge in times of trouble” What verse stands out to you?
Proverbs 9:
Hey have you ever had an attribute talk to you? In this Proverb “Wisdom” speaks to us and does a sort of sales pitch. In this chapter it changes gender from male in chapter 8 to female in chapter 9. Suggesting that you take “Wisdom” home with you and use it as a tool for successful living. The benefits of wisdom described in chapter 8 reflect the fruits of the Holy Spirit that are articulated in the New Testament (Galatians 5). Here it suggests that living wisely will help you live longer... And then, like a good movie, Wisdom’s nemesis “Folly” comes in and tries to wreck your life. Where is the hero in this drama?
John 9
This chapter starts out with Jesus’ disciples using a common cultural thought of the day that bad things happen to bad people; that this man must have sinned to be blind. Jesus explains that God is a healer and redeemer and want to bring wholeness to man. This wholeness and redemption seems to morph into spiritual wholeness by the end of the chapter. Are we seeking God as a healer of our hearts?
Our Journey together
This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Week 8 - March 15 - Doug Mathers
This this week's reading - I'm going to just raise some questions to think about as we read and for anyone to comment on:
Genesis 15
The killing and dividing of animals is strange stuff to us. Apparently it was part of covenant ceremonies. It is also referenced in Jeremiah 34. The idea is that if either party breaks their word, they are at risk of the same ending as the animals.
In the text we learn that God knows an amazing amount about the future. He shares about 400 years of slavery coming for Abraham's descendants. Does God's awareness of future events bring comfort? Why or why not?
Genesis 16
Sarah couldn't wait for God's timing. When have you tried to speed up God's plans for you?
Psalm 8
The psalmist is over whelmed by God as he views the stars on a clear night. It makes him realize how truly grand God must be to have created all he sees. When do you feel overwhelmed by God? What sights inspire you to think about the greatness of the creator?
Proverbs 8
The entire chapter is wisdom personified. It is calling to us to seek and follow wisdom. In practical ways how do we take a hold or wisdom? How do we pursue it?
John 8
Concerning the woman caught in adultery, how do we know that this was a set up for Jesus? What was the trap they were trying to set for him? How do you think Jesus knew he was being set up?
In the rest of the chapter Jesus is less than diplomatic. What did he say that angered the crowds and especially the religious leaders?
Is there anything he said that makes you angry as well?
What does he say that you count on in your faith?
Genesis 15
The killing and dividing of animals is strange stuff to us. Apparently it was part of covenant ceremonies. It is also referenced in Jeremiah 34. The idea is that if either party breaks their word, they are at risk of the same ending as the animals.
In the text we learn that God knows an amazing amount about the future. He shares about 400 years of slavery coming for Abraham's descendants. Does God's awareness of future events bring comfort? Why or why not?
Genesis 16
Sarah couldn't wait for God's timing. When have you tried to speed up God's plans for you?
Psalm 8
The psalmist is over whelmed by God as he views the stars on a clear night. It makes him realize how truly grand God must be to have created all he sees. When do you feel overwhelmed by God? What sights inspire you to think about the greatness of the creator?
Proverbs 8
The entire chapter is wisdom personified. It is calling to us to seek and follow wisdom. In practical ways how do we take a hold or wisdom? How do we pursue it?
John 8
Concerning the woman caught in adultery, how do we know that this was a set up for Jesus? What was the trap they were trying to set for him? How do you think Jesus knew he was being set up?
In the rest of the chapter Jesus is less than diplomatic. What did he say that angered the crowds and especially the religious leaders?
Is there anything he said that makes you angry as well?
What does he say that you count on in your faith?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Week 7 - March 8 - Doug Weincouff
Genesis 13/14
As I read these two chapters I am struck by the character of Abraham. As Abraham and Lots families grew along with their flocks and servants it became apparent that they needed to go their separate ways. Abrahams letting Lot have his choice of land is interesting because Lot being the nephew had no standing to make this decision.
Abraham is gracious in letting Lot make the decision and to ensure there was no bitterness or conflict. I also believe that it shows Abrahams trust that God would keep his promise and provide for him no matter where he lived. It reminds and encourages me to keep trusting God for all I need and not in my own abilities.
In Genesis 14 Abraham shows character by coming to the rescue of Lot after he has been captured by the Kinds. Upon freeing the captives Abraham takes no reward for his actions. Almost as if saying, that’s what family does. Family comes to the aid of each other when there is a crisis. I know most of us do this with immediate family but I am reminded that family extends beyond my home, relatives and includes my Crosswinds family. These past two weeks, I have been repeatedly reminded of this as many have helped us adjust to the addition of two infants in our home.
As I read Psalm 7 it makes me uncomfortable. Does David believe that bad things are happening to him because of sin? Can we ask God to crush our enemies? I have to remind myself that Psalms is a reflection of the hearts, and emotions of believers crying out to God.
Proverbs 7 uses the story of an adulteress tempting a young man to sin. We may not find ourselves in that situation but where does temptation attack you? When tempted do you flee or flirt with disaster?
John 7 I wonder if I was present as Jesus was teaching would I have been as confused and jaded as the Pharisees. Why didn’t Jesus just come out and say “I AM THE MESSIAH”!? When I read John chapter 7, it seems so clear what Jesus was teaching. That is the benefit of having the entire Bible. We are looking back on events with so much more perspective and information. Nothing has really changed, when we are in the middle of God refining us we don’t always understand what is happening. It often takes the passing of time to truly see what God was doing and sometimes we still don’t see it.
As I read these two chapters I am struck by the character of Abraham. As Abraham and Lots families grew along with their flocks and servants it became apparent that they needed to go their separate ways. Abrahams letting Lot have his choice of land is interesting because Lot being the nephew had no standing to make this decision.
Abraham is gracious in letting Lot make the decision and to ensure there was no bitterness or conflict. I also believe that it shows Abrahams trust that God would keep his promise and provide for him no matter where he lived. It reminds and encourages me to keep trusting God for all I need and not in my own abilities.
In Genesis 14 Abraham shows character by coming to the rescue of Lot after he has been captured by the Kinds. Upon freeing the captives Abraham takes no reward for his actions. Almost as if saying, that’s what family does. Family comes to the aid of each other when there is a crisis. I know most of us do this with immediate family but I am reminded that family extends beyond my home, relatives and includes my Crosswinds family. These past two weeks, I have been repeatedly reminded of this as many have helped us adjust to the addition of two infants in our home.
As I read Psalm 7 it makes me uncomfortable. Does David believe that bad things are happening to him because of sin? Can we ask God to crush our enemies? I have to remind myself that Psalms is a reflection of the hearts, and emotions of believers crying out to God.
Proverbs 7 uses the story of an adulteress tempting a young man to sin. We may not find ourselves in that situation but where does temptation attack you? When tempted do you flee or flirt with disaster?
John 7 I wonder if I was present as Jesus was teaching would I have been as confused and jaded as the Pharisees. Why didn’t Jesus just come out and say “I AM THE MESSIAH”!? When I read John chapter 7, it seems so clear what Jesus was teaching. That is the benefit of having the entire Bible. We are looking back on events with so much more perspective and information. Nothing has really changed, when we are in the middle of God refining us we don’t always understand what is happening. It often takes the passing of time to truly see what God was doing and sometimes we still don’t see it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Week 6 - March 1 - Taylor Hays
(Editor's note: sorry this was posted late. My fault, not Taylor's)
Genesis 11-12
It is amazing how little progress was made after the flood in chapter 8 to the tower of Babel in chapter 11. This seems to bear out the truth of the passage in Romans 1… 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
The tower of Babel is a story of “radical humanism.” When men become disconnected from God they become fools.
Genesis 12 is the introduction of Abram… one of the most important characters in the Bible. He is the picture of faith because he believed God’s promises. What strikes me is how Abram believed God enough to move to a far-off land without knowing where he was going but did not have enough faith to trust God for his protection (verses 10-13). Faith is not something you simply have, but must be exercised every day and in every circumstance.
Psalm 6
Nothing saps our energy more than knowing our relationship with God is broken. The way to recover is by asking… “9 The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.”
Proverbs 6
Everyone needs wise advice to try to avoid life’s “potholes.” This chapter is a great place to start… don’t take on anyone else’s debt; work hard; tell the truth; listen to your parents; stay sexually pure.
John 6
Amazing! That is all you can say when you read the description of Jesus feeding the equivalent of Byron out of a boy’s lunch basket or walking on the water! What is more amazing is how people walked away from following Jesus after witnessing all this. Sometimes my attitude can parallel the attitude of the disciples that walked away… "This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?" (v.60)
But even when my faith is shaken because of things I do not understand, it would be good to remember Peter’s words when he was asked by Jesus if he was going to leave with the other deserters… “68 Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.’” It is true, where else could we go to receive the gift of new life that Jesus offers?
Question from the editior: What wisdom from Proverbs 6 do you wish you had known and heeded at a younger age?
Genesis 11-12
It is amazing how little progress was made after the flood in chapter 8 to the tower of Babel in chapter 11. This seems to bear out the truth of the passage in Romans 1… 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
The tower of Babel is a story of “radical humanism.” When men become disconnected from God they become fools.
Genesis 12 is the introduction of Abram… one of the most important characters in the Bible. He is the picture of faith because he believed God’s promises. What strikes me is how Abram believed God enough to move to a far-off land without knowing where he was going but did not have enough faith to trust God for his protection (verses 10-13). Faith is not something you simply have, but must be exercised every day and in every circumstance.
Psalm 6
Nothing saps our energy more than knowing our relationship with God is broken. The way to recover is by asking… “9 The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.”
Proverbs 6
Everyone needs wise advice to try to avoid life’s “potholes.” This chapter is a great place to start… don’t take on anyone else’s debt; work hard; tell the truth; listen to your parents; stay sexually pure.
John 6
Amazing! That is all you can say when you read the description of Jesus feeding the equivalent of Byron out of a boy’s lunch basket or walking on the water! What is more amazing is how people walked away from following Jesus after witnessing all this. Sometimes my attitude can parallel the attitude of the disciples that walked away… "This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?" (v.60)
But even when my faith is shaken because of things I do not understand, it would be good to remember Peter’s words when he was asked by Jesus if he was going to leave with the other deserters… “68 Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.’” It is true, where else could we go to receive the gift of new life that Jesus offers?
Question from the editior: What wisdom from Proverbs 6 do you wish you had known and heeded at a younger age?
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