Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 7 - March 8 - Doug Weincouff

Genesis 13/14

As I read these two chapters I am struck by the character of Abraham. As Abraham and Lots families grew along with their flocks and servants it became apparent that they needed to go their separate ways. Abrahams letting Lot have his choice of land is interesting because Lot being the nephew had no standing to make this decision.

Abraham is gracious in letting Lot make the decision and to ensure there was no bitterness or conflict. I also believe that it shows Abrahams trust that God would keep his promise and provide for him no matter where he lived. It reminds and encourages me to keep trusting God for all I need and not in my own abilities.

In Genesis 14 Abraham shows character by coming to the rescue of Lot after he has been captured by the Kinds. Upon freeing the captives Abraham takes no reward for his actions. Almost as if saying, that’s what family does. Family comes to the aid of each other when there is a crisis. I know most of us do this with immediate family but I am reminded that family extends beyond my home, relatives and includes my Crosswinds family. These past two weeks, I have been repeatedly reminded of this as many have helped us adjust to the addition of two infants in our home.

As I read Psalm 7 it makes me uncomfortable. Does David believe that bad things are happening to him because of sin? Can we ask God to crush our enemies? I have to remind myself that Psalms is a reflection of the hearts, and emotions of believers crying out to God.

Proverbs 7 uses the story of an adulteress tempting a young man to sin. We may not find ourselves in that situation but where does temptation attack you? When tempted do you flee or flirt with disaster?

John 7 I wonder if I was present as Jesus was teaching would I have been as confused and jaded as the Pharisees. Why didn’t Jesus just come out and say “I AM THE MESSIAH”!? When I read John chapter 7, it seems so clear what Jesus was teaching. That is the benefit of having the entire Bible. We are looking back on events with so much more perspective and information. Nothing has really changed, when we are in the middle of God refining us we don’t always understand what is happening. It often takes the passing of time to truly see what God was doing and sometimes we still don’t see it.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it is easier now to accept Jesus and know who he is than it was back then, especially since we have THE BOOK. I think Jesus talked in parables to keep thing interesting and open for discussion. The comment about family is hard for me, because I have a large family and we are all in different places with our faith and it tends to divide us.
