Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week 24 - Doug Mathers - July 5th

Genesis 47

This is a recount of how the famine came to Egypt and how (because Joseph was prepared) the Pharaoh ended up owning all of Egypt's land, livestock and people. They had to trade him these things to get food. Without food they die, so land, livestock, their freedom were worth the price. It is also the story of how God saved Jacob and his family from death.

It's funny I have mixed feelings about this chapter. I like God saving the people. But I don't like the price tag the people had to pay. Everything went to the government. I think democrats and republicans would all agree this is the ultimate in "big government". On the other hand, God used the government for his saving purposes. This isn't going anywhere... it just goes through my mind.

Genesis 48

Instead of me commenting on the blessing of Joseph's sons, let me ask, why was this ironic? And why would it upset Joseph? Does it reveal anything about God?

Psalm 24

This Psalm is the inspiration behind one of the worship songs we used to sing frequently at church. The beginning of the Psalm asks "Who is worthy to stand before God?"

The answer is "only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies". Which means no one is worthy.

But through Christ we are cleansed from our lies and our false worship. Through Christ we can stand before God. This is grace. This is why Jesus came. Now we can stand - not in arrogance, but in forgiveness.

Proverbs 24

Verse 17 stuck out to me... "Do not rejoice when your enemies fall into trouble. Don't be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them."

Why does God forbid us from enjoying the troubles of our enemies?

What does this reveal about God's heart for them?

Who are the enemies that you have to whom you would like to see a little trouble come. How does this relate to Jesus' teaching in Matthew 5:38-48?

Acts 3

Observations about Peter:

1. Confidence in Jesus enough to heal this lame man. I don't know how he had the courage and insight (confidence) to say to a lame man "stand up and walk". I would be "I'll pray for you... maybe God could heal you... I have some money for you..."

I am amazed at his confidence. I think this was just a big time "God moment". Peter didn't heal every one. But on this day for this guy... God had plans and gave Peter the gift needed for the moment.

2. Peter saw his opportunity (verse 12). So he preached and built a case for Jesus.

3. Peter realized and taught that it wasn't about Peter. This was about Jesus. (This is in contrast to some of the professional television healer/preachers I've seen).

4. Peter gave them the truth. Even the hard parts. This sets up the next chapter.

I would love to have the four things I see in Peter: confidence in God, the ability to see and act on opportuniites, humility not to shine the light on me, and the courage to speak truth even when it is not popular or even safe.

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