Exodus 7
When I read chapter 7 of Exodus I was again reminded that God chooses to work with us. When Moses did not feel confident in his speaking ability, God gave him Aaron to be his spokesperson. He did not change his plans. He continued to use Moses to set the Israelites free. I am thankful for God’s mercy and compassion when we have such little faith in our abilities or His power, he does not become frustrated or angry. God brings us along in our weakness to see His plan and power. When do you find yourself doubting God or your own abilities and worth?
Exodus 8
God is not random. When God chose the plagues there was purpose and meaning in each one. The choice of frogs was intentional because it represented the Goddess Heqt. Heqt was responsible for childbirth. Remember that the previous Pharaoh had put all the baby Israelite boys to death. God having the frogs overwhelming the land of Egypt was a reminder that He was greater than their Gods. Pharaoh could not stop God’s plans. I am encouraged by the story of Exodus because it is a reminder that God’s promises and plans always come to pass. It gives be encouragement when tough events occur or I am surprised by events, I know that God will be faithful.
Psalm 29
How do you most often describe God? Loving, compassionate, merciful, patient How often do you describe God as powerful, holy and majestic? Psalm 29 was written by King David. David had see God’s power majesty and holiness first hand. In our western Christianity we tend to focus and picture God as a gentle warm and fuzzy being. The thought of “fearing” God is a very remote concept. We can become casual in our attitude toward God. It is important to remember that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are the same. He never changes. God continues to deserve our worship, and praise. I need to be careful to give God the proper respect and praise that He deserves while appreciating His love, mercy, kindness and patience.
Proverbs 29
Verse 11 caught my attention, “A fool gives full vent to anger, but a wise person quietly holds it back”. When I was growing up I seldom saw my Dad lose his temper. When other fathers would swear or yell he always used a calm steady voice. I know there were times when my Dad was angry but he was always able to keep control. I saw how his conduct often softened and brought volatile situations to good conclusions. This proverb is one worth memorizing!
Acts 8
Acts chapter 8 reinforces the point that God’s plans come to pass. Before Jesus left the disciples he told them to preach and teach in Jerusalem and to all nations. In Acts it appears that the disciples and the early church had become so focused on reaching the Jews that they were not expanding their ministry to “all nations”. They had become comfortable. God did not create the persecution of the early church but he used it to spread out the believers so that they would reach all people. Sometimes I need God to nudge me out of my comfort zone. God has always promised the he would bring us comfort but he never promised being comfortable. Are you experiencing God’s comfort or your own personal comfort? Where is God nudging you?
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