Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 1 - In the beginning...

Week of January 25th - Doug Mathers

The week's readings include Genesis 1 and 2. I love those chapters for many reasons. Here are some highlights:

God seems to have an endless amount of creative energy and an insatiable appetite for doing so

God's special interest in humanity to create us in HIS image. We don't know what that means definitively but I think it includes personality, creativity, the desire for deep and meaningful relationships, freewill, a need for justice and of course a sense of humor!

God creating sex and sexuality, male and female, a purpose for pink and blue and his and hers towels. I love Adam's initial response to Eve in the NLT, "At last!"

What I hope we all catch from this reading is that if humanity is created in the image of God then I am and YOU are created in his image. We are intentional products of God's creativity and His love. We are from the voice!

Let there be... YOU!


  1. One verse I love is Genesis 2:25 - the very last verse of the chapter, "Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame." Because there was no sin in their lives, they had no shame. Nothing to hide. Complete communion with both God and each other. How wonderful that must have been!

  2. in⋅sa⋅tia⋅ble


    not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased: insatiable hunger for knowledge.

    God can't get enough of us :0)

  3. In today's reading in Proverbs 1 I was reminded about a statement that I heard a while back when my kids were younger. "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future" I never cease to be amazed at the eternal truths and practical wisdom we can glean from ancient scripture.

  4. In Proverbs 1, it implies the fear of God is what drives you to seek knowledge (of God, I think it is saying). Why fear and not say, curiosity?

    This is my first time reading the book, I may have many questions like this.

  5. JSS - Awesome! This is not my first reading and I have questions like that! I'm tempted to say that fear should be translated as respect. That deep respect is the beginning of wisdom. However... I'm afraid I could be trying to make the Bible paletable for others (or for myself). But when I stop and think about it fear and God - I'm okay with it. It's not a fear that makes us go deer in the headlights stock still, it's a fear because God is so different - so big - so powerful. That when I catch any real glimpse of Him... there is an aspect of fear. At least in the beginning. But it is a fear that compels me closer... because while I am (on sane days) afraid... it does not keep me from being drawn into his love. Maybe it's like my dad - when I was little if all I saw was how big he was and how small I was... certainly I would be afraid. But I saw more than that... I saw his heart. I knew his love. And yet... I was sometimes afraid. If you know what I mean...

  6. The end of Proverbs 1 confuses me. Wisdom (God) seeks us, but the fools ignore it. Then, when the fools cry out for help they are ignored. Verse 28 says, "though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me..." Is this because their hearts are hard? Did they not repent? Were they not sincere? I understand that we reap the consequences of our sin, but won't God always hear us if we call out to Him? I know that I have been the fool at times in my life, but I also believe that God has forgiven and restored me. Perhaps the fool in Proverbs 1 is only asking for help out of a certain situation and not turning to God with a repentant heart....
