Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 2 – February 1st – Robyn Watts

I found it interesting that the serpent (aka Satan) begins Eve's temptation with a question. Right away he plants in her mind a question that undermines God's Truth and Authority. I also noticed how Eve is able to quote exactly the command given to her by her Father, yet with one question and one lie Satan is able to convince her God was wrong. How is it that I can KNOW the truth, but favor lies over it?

I was struck by how beautiful that temptation looked to Eve. And at that moment in time how delicious it tasted (not unlike many of my own temptations). In fact, it tasted so good, she wanted to share it with her soul mate. I wonder what Eve said to Adam to convince him to eat? Must not have been a whole lot because the Bible tells us nothing of the conversation, just that he ate it too.

I can relate to the feeling of dread and shame that must have overtaken the two of them as they entered the world of sin for the first time. Oh, how good it looked from the outside; how rotten it felt once entered. I can't even count the number of times I've felt this exact same way... Hiding, covering, lying, blaming... all of these things Adam and Eve used to try and escape the judgment they were sure to face from their Father. All things I myself have tried at one time or another. I don't fare any better than these first two people did. I can only imagine the emotions that overcame God as He sadly watched his brand new creation fall into sin and then try to hide what they had done.

Although it hits me as being unfortunate at first, I realize God is a just God, therefore a judgment would be mandatory. Never again would humans walk in perfect unity with their Creator on earth. But, because I know God is a loving God, we can be sure our story does not end there. Even though our battles are many here on earth, the Victory is already won! The serpent is defeated once and for all by Jesus. He is who will bring you and I back to the garden of our Creator God, to dance once again before Him, shameless and pure.


  1. Gen 3:6

    "The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise!"

    Just like Eve, I convince myself of the benefit of my sin. I get so focused on the benefit of my temptation that I become temporarily blinded to the truth and consequence of my action.

    Sin dangles a carrot of perceived good or gain in front of me and when I grab it, I find the perceived promise of good or gain is empty. Then it steals what joy I thought I would find and replaces it with guilt and shame. Worse than the emptiness is when my sin (which I commit to gain some perceived good) ends up having consequences that hurt others. More emptiness, more guilt, more shame.

    This is what makes sin so devious, so seductive, so tempting, so evil! Whatever my perceived gain, whether it is wealth, power, pleasure or pride, I am deceived into thinking it is better, wiser or more pleasing than God's way.

    Just like Eve, I’m deceived into thinking my sin will benefit me, only to find myself naked, ashamed and afraid.

    Thank you Lord that I can come to you naked, ashamed and afraid, and you love me back to you.

    Psalm 32!!

  2. Thank you Merv for helping me figure this out. Sin is so easy to get drawn into especially when you talk yourself into justifying it.

  3. Alice Darland
    Genesis 4:3-7
    In reading this chapter I've often wondered why God was not pleased with Cain's offering. These first chapters don't tell us what God expected, but perhaps they both knew a blood offering was required, its not told so I’m not sure. Perhaps they should have known they were to have the right attitude in bringing a sacrifice to a Holy God. I think this is the right answer.

    This is the first time we see in scriptures that a sacrifice was made. Perhaps God is showing us an example of what is required when we give. It’s how they gave from their heart, the attitude of giving. The word sacrifice means to give up, let go, surrender.

    It appears Cain gave but didn’t have the right heart. I believe God looks at our heart when we give. Not just on Sunday morning when the offering plate is passed but daily in our every day life, those things that we lay down daily as an offering to God. Was it my best, did I have the right motives?

    I found this chapter talks about their character more than then gift. But it is the gift that showed Able and Cain’s character.

    What did Cain give up in his gift, was it an array of lovely fruit and vegetables, perhaps fresh cut flowers that made it all look pretty and nice. Was there anything from his heart that he gave up?

    What did Able give up as his gift, the bible says he gave one of his best lambs. We’re told Able was a Shepherd. I would imagine it was an animal he watched over and tended to often. One he may have even been fond of, one that was difficult for him to part with. We notice Able killed the lamb. What difference would this have been if the lamb was not killed? Would this really have been a sacrifice for him? We know it was killed and Able must have surrendered it completely to God with tears. We know from scriptures this is how we are to live our daily lives.

    In Hebrews 11:4 talks about Able's faith. Able’s sacrifice was more acceptable to God, both because it was a blood sacrifice and most important because of his attitude when he offered it.
