Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crash and Burn?

We are heading into the end of week 4 of the plan. This is when people hit a wall in establishing new habits. It doesn’t matter whether the habit is flossing, exercising or sticking to a diet; the fourth week is often crash and burn.

So allow me to remind you of the keys to successful Bible reading:

1. Choose a time!
I recommend first thing in the morning. However the main thing is to put it in your schedule rather than trying to fit it in to your schedule.

2. Choose a place!
Find a quiet place that will allow you to focus for reading, reflecting and praying. Trying to multitask this one will lead to reading and never understanding.

3. Get a plan!
Now we already have that. But if it isn’t working for you, then SWITCH PLANS! Maybe it is too fast or too slow or too broad. Be married to reading the Bible, not to the specific plan. However, it is wise to try to stick with a plan for a time before switching… give it a chance.

Finally – let’s encourage each other by leaving comments on this site. Remember this is God’s Word. Let’s read it and apply it!

Open the Book!



  1. Thanks Doug, I need this encouragement!


  2. I had to do catching up on 3 weeks of reading, but now I'm current. Not easy to do this every day!

  3. jss, way to go! Yup, I think there will be times when we all have to play catch up. Thankfully we are not biting into huge chunks each day. But if we miss a few, it does begin to add up. Hang in there!
