Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 3 - Week 14 - Doug Weincouff

Genesis 29 & 30
When I read the stories from the Old Testament I am amazed at the straight forward and sometimes messiness of God’s people’s lives. Chapter 29 starts with Jacob being a single guy and by the end at least 10 years have passed and he now has 2 wives and 4 children! By the end of chapter 30 he has 2 wives 2 maidservants, 12 sons and at least 1 daughter!
Now the person that caught my attention from the chapter was Leah. We were told she was not as attractive as her younger sister. Sibling rivalry begins. I wonder how she felt when her Dad tricked Jacob into marrying her. Was she relieve or embarrassed? We know she was miserable because Jacob loved Rachel more. She even hoped that by having children it would change Jacob’s heart. It didn’t. She even gave Jacob her maidservant so she could have more children! It still did not change Jacob’s heart. I see a little of myself in Leah, trying to earn approval. There have been times when I tried to win approval from parents or friends by accomplishments and efforts. Struggling for approval has been around forever. When are you temped to earn approval from others? Why do we tend to seek the approval of man more than the approval of God?

Psalm 15
As I read this Psalm it seems obvious this is early in David’s life pre-Bathsheba. He is passionately pursuing life with God. What would it take for you to be able to pray this psalm?

Proverbs 15
How are Proverbs 15 and James 3 similar? The battle to control our tongue is a daily challenge. As you speak to others today pay special attention to what you say.

John 14
After 3 years the disciples continue to struggle with the teachings of Jesus and understanding their master. The patience of Jesus is comforting to me. As he prepares the disciples for the future he encourages them to stay the course and “obey his teachings” even when it will soon appear that everything went wrong. Often we think of obedience as an act of submission but this chapter clearly frames obedience as an act of love. How is your love life with God?

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