Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 31 - Week 18 - Robyn Watts

Genesis 37-38

I love these stories of the fathers of our faith. I'm grateful that God chose to tell their stories from a standpoint that I can relate to... they were far from perfect, yet God used them in spite of their imperfection. When I look at Joseph's beginnings I'm guessing he'd like to do some things differently from the start. Unfortunately, his pumped up view of himself began with how his father, Jacob, treated him. Once again we see favoritism in this family line... generational sin.... I'm guessing you have some in your family line just as I do.

So, I'm trying to envision Jacob actually interacting with his brothers in the way he did at the beginning of chapter 37. Did he have a clue that his brothers hated him (it does say they couldn't speak a kind word to him in verse 4) or was he oblivious? He told them not only the first dream, but then the second with seemingly no idea the impact he was having on his brothers. I wonder what his motivation was in telling them his dream? Was it innocent? Or did he purposefully want to aggravate them? I could see either being a sibling myself....

In the portion of the story starting in verse 12 when Joseph is sold by his brothers it struck me that this was no "ordinary" hate his brothers had built up against him. In verse 18 the Bible says, "But they saw him in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him." Wow, didn't take them much time to come up with that evil plot! I wonder if that's the first time they came up with the idea that they should actually kill him or if that had been simmering awhile.

Thankfully, Reuben and Judah maintain their senses and vote against the killing. Let's just sell him to our enemies they say. And for 20 shekels the deed was done. However more deception followed as they return to their father....

And lest we believe our society has the unique corner on sexual sin.... chapter 38 proves people have struggled in this area as long as there has been a record of people!

Psalm 19

What beautiful and comforting words David gives us in this psalm. We are given a picture of who God is here.... words like perfect, trustworthy, right, radiant, pure, righteous, precious... in contrast to our sinful nature... verses 13-14 would be a great prayer for us to echo. "Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Amen.

Proverbs 19

Because of current things going on in my life, a couple verses really stand out to me in this proverb. I'm guessing that depending on what issues surround you different things stood out to you... verse 2 and 21 stand out the most to me... "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way." and "Many are the plans in a man's (or woman's) heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." I think the hardest part for me to grasp is what is really God and what is just my idea? I can sometimes even trick myself into thinking that it's God's idea when it's really just mine. For me, the key is time and patient prayer. I covet my time with God as He and I "chat" each morning. How are your times with God lately? Have you been able to be still to hear Him? I find that a supreme challenge for me.... to be still. As we head into summer I am becoming very convicted about our calendar. Things just seem to fill up the hours, days and weeks without me realizing what's happening (have you said to yourself as I have "the summer hasn't even gotten here and it's gone!). Maybe you will join me in the challenge of remembering God's presence... even on our "vacations".

John 19

I don't think I ever really appreciated what Jesus went through until I saw the movie "The Passion". The images in that movie come to the forefront of my mind whenever I read the crucifixion passages. My Bible goes from having many many red words to very few red words at this point. Jesus always chose his words so carefully. As a blabbermouth I am always in awe of Jesus' pointed way of communicating. Jesus' response to Pilate after he says, "Do you refuse to speak to me? Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"

Jesus' response..."You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." (vs. 10-11) The power of God always humbles us, puts us in our place. How grateful I am that God's power is over all.

I sometimes wonder what my place would have been had I been alive. Would I have followed the crowd? Would I have believed Jesus? Admittedly, I'm thankful I have the benefit of the entire scriptures. I find no excuse for people now not to believe if they have heard. It's all there laid out for us in one handy book. Back then, even though I would have had the opportunity to walk the streets with Jesus, I'm not so sure I would have. What would I have thought of Jesus? A scary thought in some regards....

How wonderful for us that the story doesn't end at chapter 19! This is the hope we have.... evil demolished at the cross, Jesus victorious. We can walk in victory even here on Earth because of that day long ago that Jesus took all our sins upon himself.

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