Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 43 - November 15 - Dan Swartz

Exodus 35

There is lots of talk these days about nature vs. nurture for many talents, abilities, characteristics, and traits. This chapter throws in the curve ball of supernatural gifting for not pastors, teachers, or prophets, but craftsman! It’s always encouraging to see God gift people for what have ya, and watch them do their work with excellence.

Exodus 36
Verses 1-8 are what pastors dream about. Hold up on the offerings congregation – we have more than enough! What a testimony that would be. . .

The rest of the chapter describes in pain-staking, seemingly redundant detail how Bezalel and colleagues completed the Tabernacle as directed. Nothing like the lingering taste of ground up golden cow in your water to remind you of the importance of obedience and focus.

Psalm 43
This may sound a bit harsh, but I don’t see much that distinguishes this from many of the previous psalms. If repeated must be important?

Ecclesiastes 12
Verse 11 is an important lesson to learn early. Sometimes painful things teach us important lessons, and can be life saving (both temporal and eternal).

Acts 22
This chapter reminds me of the importance of simply telling my story and how Christ has changed my life. Also noteworthy is that doing so may infuriate some. Although a Christian first, Paul wasn’t shy about playing the Roman citizen card. We shouldn’t be shy about playing similar cards in our lives to advance God’s kingdom.

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