Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tuesday - 4/7 - Genesis 22

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most famous chapters of scripture. What strikes me most is how confident Abraham was of God's voice and God's character.

    1. His voice: if God told me to do take the life of my child I would really question whether I was hearing the voice of God. And so would you!

    2. His Character: I think Abraham knew (his faith) that God was not going to go through with this OR that even if he did he would return life to Isaac. This is a request outside of who God is. God had made a promise about Isaac that would come to be true.

    Finally - what was the test? I think it was whether Abraham was devoted to God or to the dream and promise of Isaac. - Thoughts?
