Our Journey together

This is where we are going to meet together online as a community and walk through the Bible together. We hope that you use this as a chance to grow, ask questions, and wrestle through texts that sometimes we just read past without looking into what they mean to our lives right now, today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What if I've fallen way behind?

So I am in "Easter Recovery Mode" (a pastoral affliction). And I find myself a bit behind my usual pace right now. It got me thinking that some of you maybe in recovery mode as well (pick your own favorite holiday for a name).

And maybe... you have fallen grossly behind in your efforts to read the Bible with us... and the question you are asking is:

"What do I do if I've fallen behind in my Bible reading?"

Well I think you have some options:

Option A

Feel guilty! Of course this accomplishes nothing except to make you feel even less worthy as a person and especially as a follow of Jesus. But guilt is where many of us find life and life less abundantly!

Option B

Pretend I'm not behind. Quickly read a chapter or two and then tell a friend what you received out of your devotional reading today. This will create the impression that you read every day without fail and will likely give your friend a case of the "spiritually inferior to you" syndrome.

Option C

Quit the plan! This is by far the easiest. Just don't think about your intentions to read the Bible this year. Don't talk about reading the Bible and if someone else brings it up... change the topic! As in... "Hey, how about those Twins this year?!"

Option D

Start reading again. Don't play catch up... don't feel guilty... just turn to this week's reading and dig in again. You miss out on the guilt. You don't get to be spiritually superior to others. But you do get to engage in God's word just like you planned on in January (remember that?).

What about the parts you missed?

They aren't going anywhere... you can pick up on them our next read through!

Please use the comment button to leave feedback about this blog or any of this week's readings. I would LOVE to see more of us, okay after last week I will say "someone" leave some comments!



  1. All I can say is that I am so thankful for this daily reading because somedays it's all I can do. I am involved in 2 small groups with studys and the bible reading is the one that I can get to each day even if I don't have time for the others. I have been enjoying reading Genesis again. Good stuff!

  2. Thanks for giving me so many options. I'm going to pick up the book again. Thank YOU for sticking with it.
